Account Information...Help Page

Username: You will use this username to connect to your site via FTP, to connect to your site with FrontPage if you select that option, and to retrieve e-mail from your account if your mail is not forwarded.
Please enter a username that is 2 to 16 characters in length.
Password: A good password is one that cannot be easily guessed.
Please enter a password that is 3 to 12 characters in length.
Forward All E-mail: Should all e-mail sent to your domain be forwarded to another e-mail address? Please select either Yes or No.
If yes above, forward to where? If you have selected Yes to the Forward All E-mail question, please enter the e-mail address to which all mail should be forwarded. Do not enter an address with the domain name for this Basic Web Hosting service.
FrontPage Extensions: Would you like FrontPage extensions? Please select either Yes or No.
Web Stats: Do you want daily statistical reports for your web site? They will be available on-line via a password protected area of your site. Please select either Yes or No.
Secure Server Option: The Secure Server (SSL) Option is useful for e-commerce or if your customers will submit payment (credit card) information via your web site. With this option, all traffic between your customer and our web server will be encrypted so that other people cannot see the information which is transmitted.

With the Secure Server Option, EsoSoft will make a special domain name available to you:

This URL will actually read the web pages directly from your regular web site, but in a secure fashion. With the special domain name, you will not need to obtain your own secure server certificate.

Note that the Secure Server Option is NOT a standard feature of our Basic Web Hosting service and is not included in the regular price. If you would like your site to have this option, there is a $10.00 set-up fee and an additional service charge of $5.00 per month.

Would you like the Secure Server Option? Please indicate Yes or No.